Girton Golf Club Etiquette Guidelines

At Girton Golf Club, we believe that great golf is about more than just the game — it's about respect for the course, fellow players, and tradition. To ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone, please follow these important etiquette guidelines:

1. Respect the Course
- Repair Divots & Pitch Marks: Please repair any divots on the fairways and pitch marks on the greens. This helps preserve the playing surface for everyone.
- Bunker Care: Always rake the bunker after playing your shot to leave it in good condition for the next player.
- Avoid Course Damage: Refrain from damaging the greens or any other parts of the course, especially out of frustration.

2. Pace of Play
- Be Aware: Keep up with the group ahead of you. If you drop behind by a full hole you should let faster groups play through.
- Limit Practice Swings: Two practice swings are sufficient —let's keep the game moving.
- Ready Golf: Play when it's safe and ready to do so, rather than waiting strictly for turns.

3. On the Greens
- Avoid Distractions: Be mindful of your fellow golfers by staying still and quiet while others are putting.
- Flagstick Etiquette: Replace the flagstick carefully to avoid damaging the hole and never pull out a holed ball with a flagstick.

4. Golf Buggies & Trollies
- Follow Paths: Stick to designated paths and avoid getting too close to greens and tee boxes to prevent damage.
- Respect the Grounds: Take care not to pass over any areas that are fragile or wet.

5. General Courtesy
- Safety first: Shout 'fore' even if you can't see anyone in the direction where your offline ball is heading.
- Silence Devices: Mobile phones may be used on the course for keeping score and checking distances but must not be used to make or receive calls (other than in emergencies).
- Respect Others & Encourage Good Sportsmanship: Be kind and respectful to your fellow players, other golfers and to Course Rangers. Offer compliments where deserved!

Let’s all play our part in preserving the beauty and spirit of Girton Golf Club.

Thank you!

Dress Code

Club Members, their Guests and all Visitors are asked to respect the dress code of the club, both on and off the Course.

Men, Women and Juniors are required to wear only recognised golf clothing on the Course. This may include collarless shirts. It may also include golf leggings for Women and Girls.

Smart casual attire (including denim) is acceptable in the Clubhouse except for formal functions when the dress code will be clearly stated in advance. Smart casual attire (including denim) is also acceptable on the Practice Ground.

Club Staff have the authority to ask anyone to leave the Clubhouse if they do not consider the person to be dressed appropriately.

More specifically:
Vests, swimming or football shorts, football socks, numbered shirts, including football shirts or similar, are NOT acceptable on the Course, Practice Ground or in the Clubhouse.

Tailored shorts may be worn in all indoor and outdoor areas of the Golf Club.

Smart and clean trainers are acceptable in the Clubhouse and on the Practice Ground and may be used on the Course with the permission of the Club Secretary, Golf Reception Staff, or the Head Professional.

Denim wear, if smart and clean and not ripped, may be worn in the Clubhouse and on the Practice Ground but NOT on the Course.

No hats to be worn in the Clubhouse.

No wet or dirty golf shoes or golf shoes with metal spikes, or wet or dirty clothing, are permitted in the Lounge or the Dining Room.

Additionally, please note that mobile phones may be used on the course for keeping score and checking distances but must not be used to make or receive calls (other than in emergencies). Mobile phones may be used silently inside the clubhouse and on the patio, and for calls in the locker rooms only.

If in any doubt, please consult the Club Secretary, Golf Reception Staff or Head Professional.

Thank you for your co-operation!